

D.G.J. Agema, M. Div Adjunct Lecturer


Rev. Douwe Agema was born in the Netherlands; it was there that he began his ministerial studies at the theological seminary of Reformed churches in Kampen. He completed his studies at the Theological College of the Canadian Reformed Churches in Hamilton, Ontario. He has served as minister in several congregations in Canada and is currently the pastor of Living Word Canadian Reformed Church of Guelph. At CCRTC he is an adjunct faculty member teaching several courses related to Old and New Testament studies, church doctrine, and the Bible curriculum offered in Reformed Christian schools.


DT 101 - Bible Study: Survey of Old and New Testament 1
DT 102 - Bible Study: Survey of Old and New Testament 2
DT 103 - Biblical History and Reformed Doctrine
EDU 101 - Bible Study: Survey of Old and New Testament 1
EDU 102 - Bible Study: Survey of Old and New Testament 2

Mark den Hollander, BA; B.Ed.; M.Ed.; OCT Lecturer, Recruitment and Admissions Officer


Mark den Hollander joined the CCRTC Faculty as a full-time lecturer in 2022 and as the Recruitment and Admissions Officer.  Prior to this Mark served at Immanuel Christian School in Winnipeg, Manitoba.  During his years there he was an elementary classroom teacher, the Vice-Principal, the Student Services Coordinator, a High School teacher and, in the later years, the Principal. After graduating from Guido de Brès Christian High School in Hamilton, Mark attended York University in Toronto and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in History.  Next he attended Brock University in order to obtain a Bachelor of   Education degree.  After teaching several years, Mark continued his studies at the University of   Manitoba, obtaining a Masters of Education degree in the area of Cross-Cultural, Sociological, and Philosophical Foundations in Education.

DT 105 - Church History 2: From Renaissance to Revolution
DT 106 - Church History 3: From Revolution to the Present Including Developments in North America
DT 201 - Foundations of Reformed Education
DT 202 - Foundations of Curriculum in a Christian Context
DT 605 - Teaching Studies 5: Planning for Instruction; Differentiated Instruction
DT 606 - Teaching Studies 6: Induction into the Teaching Profession
EDU 105 - Church History 2: From Renaissance to Revolution
EDU 106 - Church History 3: From Revolution to the Present Including Developments in North America
EDU 201 - Foundations of Reformed Education
EDU 202 - Foundations of Curriculum in a Christian Context
EDU 609 - Teaching Studies 3: Planning for Instruction; Differentiated Instruction
EDU 610 - Teaching Studies 4: Induction into the Teaching Profession

B. Faber, BA (Hons); D.Phil. Adjunct Lecturer


Dr. Ben Faber received his Bachelor of Arts (Honours) at McMaster University with a major in English. He obtained his doctorate in English literature at the University of Oxford with a thesis on 17th-century satire. He currently teaches English literature at Redeemer University College. His publications include essays on William Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice, Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe, and on the 17th-century poets George Herbert and Andrew Marvell. During his tenure as Director of Teaching and Learning at Redeemer University, Dr. Faber presented faculty workshops on pedagogy and he oversaw the introduction of a new core curriculum. As an adjunct faculty member at CCRTC, Ben teaches courses in the “Culture, Ethics, and Worldview Studies” area of study.


DT 501 - Anglo-Saxon to Neo-Classical
DT 502 - Romantic to Postmodern
DT 503 - Perspectives on Literature

J. Huizenga, B.Sc.; B.Ed.; M.Ed.; PhD; OCT Lecturer; Course and Program Coordinator


Dr. Jack Huizenga has been a lecturer at the CCRTC since 2015. He joined the full time faculty after serving as Vice Principal and teaching high school science at Heritage Christian School in Jordan Station, ON. Dr. Huizenga completed a Master of Education with a culminating project entitled, Christian education and the ethics of authenticity. He continued his studies in the PhD program in Educational Studies at Brock University and successfully defended his dissertation entitled Looking in the Mirror of Authenticity: A Self-Study of Teacher Education Practice. Dr. Huizenga continues to explore the concept of authenticity in Christian pre-service teacher education. He has written articles and conducted seminars and presentations on topics including, “Authenticity for Christian school leaders”, “Authentic Christian learning”, “Enjoying Mathematics: Teaching math in an authentically Christian way”, as well as “Assessment for learning.”

DT 204 - History of Education
DT 205 - Mathematics for Elementary Teachers
DT 301 - Learning Theories
DT 302 - Assessment
DT 407 - Mathematics
DT 410 - Science and Technology
DT 603 - Teaching Studies 3: Teaching for Understanding; Classroom Management
EDU 204 - History of Education
EDU 205 - Mathematics for Elementary Teachers
EDU 305 - Learning Theories and Assessment
EDU 407 - Mathematics
EDU 410 - Science and Technology
EDU 900 - Independent Study Courses

C. van Halen-Faber, BA; M.Ed.; PhD Principal/CEO; Lecturer; Registrar-Transcripts; Dean of Students; Accreditation Coordinator


Dr. Christine van Halen-Faber is the Principal/CEO of Covenant Canadian Reformed Teachers College and has held this position for over 15 years. Prior to this she taught in Reformed Christian elementary schools, where she also served as Principal. She graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Music from McMaster University, and then obtained the Diploma of Studies in Reformed Education. Dr. van Halen-Faber continued her studies and received a Master of Education degree from Brock University, followed by a doctorate in Philosophy from the University of Toronto. Her dissertation, Seeing Through Apples, was awarded the Canadian Association for Teacher Education 2004 Dissertation Award.

She is invited regularly to speak at school society meetings on a variety of topics, to deliver keynote addresses at national and international conferences, and to present workshops and seminars for teachers.

DT 201 - Foundations of Reformed Education
DT 203 - Introduction to Educational Research
DT 303 - Child Development
DT 304 - Special Education
DT 504 - Survey of Children’s Literature
EDU 201 - Foundations of Reformed Education
EDU 203 - Introduction to Educational Research
EDU 303 - Child Development
EDU 504 - Survey of Children’s Literature

C. Vanderpol, B.A.Sc.; M.Ed. Sessional Lecturer


Mrs. Catherine Vanderpol majored in Child Studies at the University of Guelph during her undergraduate studies and continued her education at Brock University to complete her Master of Education degree. An experienced classroom teacher, she worked as a special education resource coordinator for many years and also as a vice principal and principal.

Mrs. Vanderpol joined CCRTC as a Sessional Instructor in the Language Arts. 

DT 404 - Language Arts: Reading
DT 405 - Language Arts: Writing
EDU 404 - Language Arts: Reading
EDU 405 - Language Arts: Writing

Debbie Vandersluis, BA Adjunct Lecturer


Debbie Vandersluis is a sessional instructor at CCRTC, currently teaching the music course. She obtained her Bachelor of Arts Degree at the University of Waterloo and completed the foundational courses at CCRTC. Debbie has taught various grade levels in Canadian Reformed elementary schools in Ontario for 25 years, with an interest and active participation in developing music curriculum.

DT 408 - The Arts - Music
EDU 413 - The Arts: Music and Visual Arts

C. VanEerden, B.Ed.; BA; OCT Sessional Lecturer


Ms. Cobie VanEerden attained a Bachelor of Education degree from Simon Fraser University in British Columbia and followed this up with an Art and Art History Degree at the University of Toronto. Since then she has obtained the Honours Art Specialist Certificate. As an artist, she has exhibited her work in juried shows in locations varying from Sarnia to Montreal. Having taught Grade 9-12 Visual Arts at the Guido de Brès Christian High School in Hamilton ON, she currently is a sessional instructor at CCRTC.

DT 401 - The Arts: Visual Art
EDU 413 - The Arts: Music and Visual Arts

M. Wieske, Dip. Ed.; MA; Ed.D. (Candidate) Administration: Practicum Placement Coordinator; Practicum Guidelines


Menco Wieske joined the CCRTC faculty as a full-time lecturer in 2018. The courses he teaches include Education Studies, Studies in Educational Psychology, Social Studies, and Foundations of Reformed Ethics and Standards of Practice. He facilitates the field experience component of the programs by coordinating the practicum placements.

After he moved to Canada from The Netherlands, he obtained the Diploma of Education at CCRTC. Menco Wieske has taught in two Ontario Canadian Reformed Christian elementary schools, leading one of them as Principal. He completed his Masters in Leadership from the University of Guelph and is currently completing a doctoral program in Educational Leadership and Policy at OISE/University of Toronto.

DT 206 - Schooling, Government, and Society
DT 411 - Social Studies: History and Geography
DT 507 - Foundations of Reformed Ethics and Ethical Standards of Practice
DT 601 - Teaching Studies 1: Introduction to Teaching; Academic Writing
DT 602 - Teaching Studies 2: Technology in the Classroom
DT 606 - Teaching Studies 6: Induction into the Teaching Profession
EDU 206 - Schooling, Government, and Society
EDU 411 - Social Studies: History and Geography
EDU 507 - Foundations of Reformed Ethics and Standards of Practice
EDU 608 - Teaching Studies 2: Technology in the Classroom
EDU 610 - Teaching Studies 4: Induction into the Teaching Profession
EDU 900 - Independent Study Courses

T. Wildeboer, B.Sc. (Kin); B.Ed.; M.Ed.; OCT Instructor


Tim Wildeboer is a sessional instructor at CCRTC and is responsible for teaching Health and Physical Education. After completing his studies at Western University where he obtained an Honours Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology, he completed his Bachelor of Education at Brock University, and obtained the additional qualification certificate in health and physical education.  He is completing a Masters of Education degree at the University of Alberta with a focus on Health & Physical Education curriculum and pedagogy. Currently he holds the position of Athletic Director at Guido de Brès Christian High School, and participates regularly in men’s league hockey, triathlons, and road races.

DT 409 - Physical Education and Health
EDU 409 - Physical Education and Health