Covenant Canadian Reformed Teachers College (CCRTC) was established on October 18, 1980 and incorporated on March 26, 1991. The Objects of Incorporation are:
- The maintenance and operation of a college for the academic training of teachers in accordance with the Basis of the Corporation, namely, the infallible Word of God, which is summarized in the Confessional Statements of the Canadian and American Reformed Churches.
- To carry on educational programs in order to promote generally the knowledge respecting teaching methods, teaching skills and teaching aids, through research, education and publication and distribution of books, papers, reports, periodicals, and pamphlets, and to provide funds to charitable organizations which carry on such educational purposes (Letters Patent, 1991).
In keeping with these Objects, CCRTC is governed by the By-laws adopted in February, 2010. The By-laws of the corporation are available upon request.
The members of CCRTC are school societies established within Canadian/American church communities. Each member school society delegates a person who will serve as a member of the Board of Governors.
CCRTC is a non-publicly funded, not-for-profit institution. CCRTC meets its financial obligations from income derived from annual membership fees paid by member school societies, from tuition fees, and from donations received from individuals and businesses.
CCRTC is a charitable organization and it issues tax receipts.
Here is a link to the Organization Chart.