Programs & Courses


Covenant Canadian Reformed Teachers College offers two programs of full-time study in preparation for a teaching career in Reformed Christian schools.

For admission to the two-year program leading to the Diploma of Education, applicants will hold a pass- or honours undergraduate degree from an accredited university (e.g., Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science).

For admission to the three-year program leading to the Diploma of Teaching, applicants will hold a secondary school diploma qualifying them for university entrance.

Practising teachers interested in professional development opportunities are encouraged to contact the College.

Diploma Level Expectations

The programs leading to the Diploma of Education and the Diploma of Teaching provide the student with a firmly principled, soundly theoretical, and highly practical teacher education program. In structuring its Diploma Level Expectations (DLEs), CCRTC follows the Ontario Qualifications Framework (OQF) determined by the Ontario Ministry of Colleges and Universities under the following six headings:

  • Depth and breadth of knowledge
  • Knowledge of methodologies
  • Application of knowledge
  • Communication skills
  • Autonomy and professional capacity
  • Awareness of limits of knowledge

The rationale for these expectations includes the need to be able to compare academic credits from one institution to another. CCRTC’s DLEs apply the OQF in a manner that reflects the College’s mission, ethos, values, and culture.


Professional Portfolio

DIPLOMA OF TEACHING - Three-Year Program

Culture, Ethics, and Worldview Studiessional Studies
Special Focus Topics
Professional Portfolio