
CCRTC Featherpen - February 2024


With great thankfulness, the faculty and staff at CCRTC can look forward to the beginning of a new year and reflect on the many blessings the College has enjoyed.

Much has happened over the course of the last few months. The College community continues to uphold our custodian, Mrs. Emma Vandervelde, in prayer as she goes through cancer treatments. Faculty and staff are also thankful to note that a new member has accepted a position to join the faculty and assist in the work at the College. Students at the College received their transcripts (report cards) on the 15th of January, and faculty are pleased to note that the overall results reflect the students’ hard work and perseverance.

The class of ’24 has survived the pressure and stress that comes with the job postings. While it is only natural to feel nervous at this life-changing decision, these students are encouraged to stay positive and focused on the work at hand. God has a plan for all of us; we need only to walk on the path which He has set before us while trusting in Him alone. February 1 marked the deadline for student admission applications. Based on initial expressions of interest, the College may see a large student intake come September. What a blessing this would be!

A topic of interest in our schools for some years is the OCT application for accreditation. Faculty have been hard at work putting an extensive application together that covers many aspects of the College. Included in this application is a diagram titled, “Conceptual Framework” which represents the profile of a teacher candidate. It explains how knowledge, skills, and commitment intersect and overlap in the development of the students at the College and prepares them to become professionals in their line of work. The College offers its programs in line with the ethical standards of the teaching profession in Ontario: trust, care, respect, and integrity. Another diagram labelled “Program Framework” shows how courses such as curriculum, teaching, and religious studies fit within the OCT ethical standards. When taken together, the two diagrams represent what the College stands for and how the College delivers what it says it stands for.

As we begin a new year with hopes of accreditation and College success, we turn to God and commit all things to His good care, acknowledging that not our will, but His alone be done.

PR Committee - CCRTC