- The 2025-2026 student application deadline was FEBRUARY 1, 2025. Still interested in applying? Contact the College a.s.a.p.!
- Thank you for your continued financial and prayerful support.
Introducing Covenant Canadian Reformed Teachers College (CCRTC)
Since 1981, CCRTC has been preparing men and women for careers in teaching. CCRTC strives to be the definitive source for Reformed teacher training through providing academic teacher training and professional development in faithful submission to the Word of God, summarized in the confessional standards:: The Belgic Confession, The Heidelberg Catechism, and The Canons of Dort."
Please browse through our website for more information about the College, our programs and courses. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
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Upcoming Events
Board of Governors Meeting
Mar 27, 2025 8:00 PM-10:00 PM
Coming back into teaching after being a parent for many years has put a whole new perspective on my view of teachers. When I walk into my children’s classroom and hear the teacher putting each subject into a Christian perspective, teaching the Bible stories from a redemptive-historical view, teaching the students their role in God’s covenant, I see and hear the work of the parents and church coming together so beautifully in the classroom. This is where Covenant Canadian Reformed Teachers College excels, putting Christ-centered teaching into the heart of its teacher training, opening their students’ eyes to the world views around us and to the extent of today’s secularism. As a parent, I would like to thank CCRTC for striving to produce Christ-centered teachers who view each of their students as one of God’s precious covenant children.
Class of 2001
[I] still greatly appreciate the Christian framework and context that the Covenant Canadian Reformed Teachers College gave me. My learning there gave me a lens through which I can rightly view education, the student, and my role as a teacher—and for that, I’m thankful.
Class of 2002
For me, CCRTC has been a real blessing in understanding the link between teaching and learning. Many of the concepts taught there have directly impacted my current practice. Every graduate who finishes his or her work at CCRTC echoes the same phrase of appreciation for the guidance and encouragement of the faculty; their hard work has been blessed by the LORD.
The work that is done at the College to train teachers in understanding the link between faithful learning and faithful teaching – and to understand it as a continual practice – has been a blessing in my own teaching career. It is my prayer that the LORD continues to provide for the College, through such things as accreditation, qualified instructors and financial support from its members, so that schools across the country may continue their quest of telling the next generation about the praiseworthy deeds God has done.
Class of 2004